We are in unprecedented times in our world, facing a global pandemic due to Coranavirus or Covid 19. It is truly an anxious time and we all need to do what is required of us now to stay safe.
With that in mind, Roban Financial as of this morning will operate our office with only skeleton staff. We ask however that you do not visit the office if the visit is not essential. We can be contacted at all times by phone at 053 9233640 and email at info@roban.ie
All our staff are now working remotely and will continue to assist you with any queries/requests you may have.
In the meantime, keep safe and we look forward to seeing you soon.
From all at Roban Financial
PS. If you or someone you know displays symptoms of Coronavirus, please follow the measures set out on the HSE website – https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/coronavirus.html