Our Government has just commenced phased re-opening of the country, as of yesterday 18th May 2020.
In adhering to Government guidelines and in the interest of public safety, to both our clients and staff alike, we would like to assure you that we have being taking every measure to manage and minimise the risk of COVID-19 and the disruption to our services. We will continue to do so.
We will continue to have minimum staff in the office while all others work remotely.
All existing and new client appointments are now conducted by telephone or video conference call.
We are delighted to report that we have been able to maintain a very high level of customer service. Our experience of virtual video calls has been very positive to date with high customer uptake and satisfaction levels.
If you need to contact us for any reason please do not hesitate to do so on 053 9233640.
In the meantime, take care and stay safe. We look forward to talking to you soon.